Horse Training & Hauling in
Kimberly is a USDF Gold, Silver and Bronze Medalist, 2019 GDCTA Reserve Champion Grand Prix rider, #2019 #10 in the nation Grand Prix rider over 50; successful Preliminary Eventer who has trained through Intermediate; participant in the USDF L Judge program Part 1 and 2, and was previously the Berry College Assistant Equestrian Coach for both English and Western teams. She has trained in both Europe and the States and has experience in many disciplines within both the English and Western categories.
Her riding experience includes over 35 years handling, starting and schooling young horses, re-schooling sour horses, teaching riders new to horses as well as coaching experienced riders through the higher levels of eventing and dressage. Kimberly has lessoned, cliniced and worked for masters and experts from many fields resulting in a rare combination of a teacher's heart with both a wide and deep breath of knowledge.
It doesn't matter if you ride stock seat (western), english or bareback! Proper equitation, independent hands and seat, and refinement of the aides, based on an understanding of the horse's nature and internationally accepted classical proven principles, are the key to success. You will especially appreciate Kimberly's upbeat encouraging way of riding, training and teaching that builds a partnership with you developing an understanding of how to not only ride, but to being the "horse's advocate".
* * Individual tune-up rides (not a package) are the same as a 1-hour private lessons for horses already under saddle in regular work. If you're sick or going out of town, we can substitute a training ride for a 1-hour private lesson schedule permitting.
* * Full Training: $1895. Excellent choice if you A) want to both train the horse and lesson on your horse B) are away from your home trainer and need consistent advice and input; C) Have an erratic schedule and don't want your horse or yourself to start slipping back and becoming "untrained" (If you didn't know it, horses don't stay tuned up by themselves!). Kimberly is a fountain of knowledge and is happy to give advice when asked or if there's something that needs a change. YOU are the owner and responsible for your horses needs and subsequent bills and Fairhaven and its staff will not do anything without discussing it with the owner first unless it is life threatening (and you will be called immediately).
Ideally the training of you and your horse will be a joint venture. Depending on yours and your horses starting point, we can discuss a plan and set up goals each week based on what area needs the most work. While everything is subject to "what the horse needs", Full Training includes a minimum of 20 sessions over a 4 week period. If the horse is young and being started under saddle, Kimberly will probably do mini sessions all day long, gradually building a young horse's attention span and work ethic, til their session is approximately 1 hour total, all at once. You are invited to watch your horse's session(s) but depending on the day, those rides are not always at the same time and subject to last minute changes. Subject to suitability and scheduling, all the sessions can be lessons with you riding your horse. Those sessions must be prescheduled and will have a set time.
Horses with back shoes must stay on private turnout. All horses will have private board (included in the price) their first 2 weeks as a quarantine. After that, they can be integrated into group turnout. Owner must supply properly fitted and in good repair: seasonal sheets, blankets, bridle, fly spray and any special meds/supplements.
* * Price includes Training sessions, grooming, tacking. Price does not include showing or any other activities or expenses.
* * Everything is customizable as necessary for an additional fee (off site schoolings, shows, farrier and/or vet visits, etc.) Price does not include Dewormer, farrier care, vet care, supplements, fly spray, etc. Just the riding and board.
* * Arena Fee for visiting horses: $15/horse/hour. Includes parking. Must show negative coggins via email before you schedule. Please DO NOT let your horses touch noses with any of my horses or drink out of my troughs (use your own bucket).
* * If you haul in for a 1 hour Private the arena fee is already included in your lesson price.
* * $30 Cross Country Course Fee subject to availability and footing. Pricing is per horse/rider combination for 1 hour.
** Prices and Policies subject to change at the discretion of the owner **